kerajaan haiti bahasa Inggris
- kerajaan: empire; government; imperial; kingdom; monarchy;
- haiti: republic of haiti; haiti; haitian creole; hayti;
- haiti: republic of haiti; haiti; haitian creole; hayti; greater antilles; hispaniola; haitian
- arsitektur haiti: architecture of haiti
- baik-haiti: friendly; kind; good-natured; affable
- bendera haiti: flag of haiti
- budaya haiti: haitian culture
- ekonomi haiti: economy of haiti
- geografi haiti: geography of haiti
- gourde haiti: haitian gourde; haitian gourdes
- jata haiti: coat of arms of haiti
- kardinal haiti: haitian cardinals
- kreol haiti: haitian
- masyarakat haiti: haitian society
- negara haiti: state of haiti
- Between 1806 and 1820 Haiti was divided between the northern State, renamed Kingdom of Haiti in 1811, and the southern Republic of Haiti.
Antara 1806 dan 1820, Haiti terbagi antara utara Negara , kemudian Kerajaan Haiti, dan Republik Haiti di selatan. - On March 28, 1811 President Henri was proclaimed King Henry I, thereby dissolving the State of Haiti and creating the Kingdom of Haiti.
Pada 28 Maret 1811, Presiden Henri diproklamirkan sebagai Raja Henri I, sehingga membubarkan Negara Haiti dan mendirikan Kerajaan Haiti.